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The Making of Project II

My Project II proposal details my original goals for the project. I wanted to create a personal statement, and I had Thought Catalog in mind as a medium from the beginning. It seemed like the most logical choice, considering the site already had so many pieces dedicated to the growing up process. 

The first draft of Project II took the form of a personal statement and list. I liked this draft, but I felt as thought it maybe wasn't personal enough. I didn't think I was giving the audience enough of my personal story, and therefore, not learning anything about myself in the process. 

My annotated bibliography details the sources from which I drew inspiration for this project. A lot of these are from Thought Catalog; I spent hours pouring through articles on the stie looking for pieces on adulthood. Additionally, I was able to find a book that inspired my title for Project III. I also put some songs on there that I listened to on repeat while in the midst of writer's block.

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